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#Doctor, could you comment on these topics to the #media today?

>> Common drug could make you feel risky

>> Would you go to the drugstore for healthcare?

>> Team DST vs. Team ST

The Med & Mic™ 11.14.22

MED NEWS blog post from Dr. Maria ON Speaking, LLC

Insightful, supportive coaching to help you meet your speaking goals

Acetaminophen and Risk Taking

The common, over-the-counter headache and fever medication acetaminophen/Tylenol, could increase risky behavior. A study from Ohio State University involved 500 college student participants. They were randomly assigned to receive 1,000 mg of the medicine or placebo. Then on a computer screen, the subjects inflated a balloon as much as possible to earn imaginary money. If they popped the balloon, they lost all the money. The students who took acetaminophen engaged in more risk-taking compared to the placebo group and were more likely to pump further and burst their balloons. They also filled out questionnaires about hypothetical scenarios, such as gambling and bungee jumping, and the acetaminophen group perceived less risk. The researchers acknowledge that alternative psychological explanations and possible biological mechanisms need to be investigated. (Source: Science Alert, P. Dockrill, 11.14.22)

Using Retail Clinics for Health Care

Alternative care sites, such as retail clinics, telehealth, and mobile units, can provide convenience, expand access, and reduce health disparities. According to focus group research involving 4,500 people, more than half say they would using a retail site, but only one in ten said they actually did use a retail site in the past year. Urban respondents were more likely to say they’ve used retail sites than people in rural areas. Telehealth was more popular among younger consumers. Of those who used telehealth, 84% said they would do it again. (Source: Forbes, D. Gordon, 11.14.22)

Sleep Experts Advocate for Standard Time

Most of the United States fell back an hour on November 6, establishing standard time until the spring. Sleep experts say that early morning light and evening darkness are healthier because this coincides with the body’s internal clock. However, some studies have shown daylight saving time would reduce deer-vehicle collisions. The Senate unanimously voted in March to make daylight saving time permanent. (Source: Science News, M. Rosen, 11.14.22)

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