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#flu #influenza #vaccine #monkeypox #listeria

#Doctor, could you comment on these topics to the #media today?

>> A special flu shot for some people

>> How well does the monkeypox vaccine protect you?

>> Oh, cheese!

The Med & Mic™ 10.03.22

MED NEWS blog post from Dr. Maria ON Speaking, LLC

Insightful, supportive coaching to help you meet your speaking goals

Seniors are Urged to Get Special Flu Shot

People 65 and older are urged to get certain flu shots that either boost their immune systems or contain higher doses. Three choices are available:

  • Fluzone High-Dose

  • Flublok

  • Fluad Adjuvanted

The older people get, the less strongly they respond to standard flu immunization. For people younger than 65, the regular quadrivalent vaccine is available, which covers four different flu strains. Australia has had its worst flu season in five years. Typically, its flu season is a preview of what happens in the U.S. (Source: AP, L. Neergaard, 10.3.22)

Monkeypox Vaccine: How Well Does It Work?

A study in JAMA examined cases of monkeypox in people who have been immunized. Researchers in Chicago looked at the data from more than 7,000 people who received two doses of the Jynneos monkeypox vaccine over the summer. Of those, 90 contracted monkeypox.

  • 77% of these cases were in the 14 after immunization, when immune responses were still building.

  • 21 became infected after 14 days.

  • 2 developed monkeypox three weeks or more after full vaccination.

Experts urge caution in assuming total protection with vaccination. (Source: STAT Morning Rounds, E. Cooney, 10.2.22)

Cheese Recalled Over Listeria

Six people have been infected with listeria in six states. Five people have been hospitalized with the bacterial illness, which can cause digestive tract symptoms, inflammation around the brain, and bloodstream infections. The outbreak has been linked to multiple cheese brands. Old Europe Cheese issued a voluntary recall of its Brie and Camembert Cheeses because of potential contamination. Cases of illness have been reported in California, Georgia, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, and Texas. Symptoms of illness usually start within two weeks of eating tainted food. (Source: WBZ News Radio, 10.1.22)

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