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#SleepApnea #diet #lifestyle #CoughSuppressant #overdose

#Doctor, could you comment on these topics to the #media today?

>> Getting rid of sleep apnea with devices or medicine

>> FDA warns of overdoses in children

The Med & Mic™ 11.16.22

MED NEWS blog post from Dr. Maria ON Speaking, LLC

Insightful, supportive coaching to help you meet your speaking goals

Diet for Sleep Apnea

Diet, exercise, and lifestyle interventions eliminated sleep apnea for some people. In a study from Spain, researchers recruited nearly 90 overweight and obese men with sleep apnea. Half of the participants were counseled to eat more fruits, vegetables, and other whole foods, avoid ultra processed foods, cut back on nightly alcohol, stop smoking, and increase their step count by 15 percent per week. The other half did not have the lifestyle intervention. Both groups used a breathing machine with pressurized air at night. After eight weeks, the participants in the lifestyle intervention group had a 51% reduction in episodes of interrupted breathing while sleeping. They also lost an average of 16 pounds. At six months, 62% no longer needed the breathing machine. The control group lost less than a pound on average and had no improvement in sleep apnea. The researchers are now recruiting 500 women for a follow up study. (Source: Washington Post, A O’Connor, 11.15.22)

Too Much Cough Medicine

The FDA warns that more children are overdosing on the cough suppressant benzonatate, brand name Tessalon. Calls about the drug to poison control centers increased 159% over eight years, with six deaths among 4,689 cases. To reduce inappropriate narcotic prescriptions, pediatric prescriptions for benzonatate increased 62% from 2012 to 2019. Overdose on the cough suppressant can cause choking, airway compromise, sedation, and death. Intentional exposures were more common among kids 10 and older. (Source: CBS News, K. Gibson, 11.15.22)

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